Vision - Mission e Values

“Reconciling common good and profit is not an impossible mission, but the fruit of a change of mentality” Michel E.Porter


“We see the circular economy as an example of productivity and consumption with high economic, environmental, social and employment profitability. We believe that this will be the productive and operational paradigm of all economic and social actors in the coming decades“



Our mission is to support businesses, non-profit organizations and the end consumer towards the adoption of “circular” behaviors, through “network” business models. We propose actions based on operating methods that maximize economic, social, environmental and employment profitability

Our strategic goals:

  • Develop business models that focus on the reuse and recycling of resources in a high quality manner for the stakeholders involved. In particular, support the ‘green’ development of companies and organizations in the Third Sector.
  • Creating optimal synergies between different players (green alliance): quality companies, Third Sector, consumers, institutions and media.
  • Promote the circular culture by creating quality initiatives and events to circulate goods and attract final consumers.
  • Strengthening the culture of the Third Sector and its operational capacity on the green economy and circular economy, through design, commercial and fundraising support.

Green Swan also operates as a grant making body, identifying the projects to be supported together with company partnerships



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